B10_162's avatar
Experienced User
10 months ago

Alphabetical Listing

So if it's not enough that staff are not listed by surname, now I have this issue where the list in the bank file is different to the pay run summary report so checking off is very difficult. Neither the bank file or the pay run report seem to be in alphabetical of first or last name - I can't figure what either are ordered by. UNIFORM LAST NAME, FIRST NAME for everything would make life much easier. Pretty basic principle.


  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi B10_162,

    Thank you so much for your post and my apologies for the late response. 

    Presently, the listing will display what's on the reports. Could you please try opening the reports and see if there is an option to customize how the lists are presented? Additionally, with the new update, employees will now be shown with their first names instead of their last names.

    Feel free to post again if you have further queries and one of us will be happy to assist you.

  • B10_162's avatar
    Experienced User

    "employees will now be shown with their first names instead of their last names." WHY? just WHY?

    Any other useful system would use LAST name followed by first name. At least have the option.

    By 1st name might be a nice option but why is it the default and only? So frustrating.

  • B10_162's avatar
    Experienced User

    and btw if you click "view pay run summary report" at the bottom of the pay run it just exports a PDF, there no options.

  • B10_162's avatar
    Experienced User

    and it's still ina random order! Omgosh this is the worst.

  • a payroll setting choice across the board so the majority can select surname as industry standard, and the minority can change it to first name if that's what they want or need
  • B10_162's avatar
    Experienced User

    No that would be too obvious. The MYOB devs want you to spend 5x longer than you need to process your payroll.

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ALL,

    Currently, this matter has been forwarded to our development team for future consideration. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out again if you have any additional questions, and we will gladly assist you.
