TRG's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Purchases: Recipient Created Tax Invoices

Hi MYOB Community,


Is there any chance that MYOB Essentials can be improved so that users can create a recipient created tax invoicie.


Thanking you in advance


  • Is this available yet? It is a facility that would be greatly appreciated in the grain industry.

  • That will make my work lot more easier. What you call it one window operation :)

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thank you for your suggestion TRG  Could anyone else who would like to create Recipient Created Tax Invoices (or print them from purchases), to give to your suppliers, please cast your vote here. Make sure you're signed in and click on the purple vote button at the top left-hand side of the screen. If you post a comment, don’t forget to vote as well!!

  • I have a large number of RCTI (Recipient Created Tax Invoices). I don't want to go to the hassles of creating an invoice when the client has done this for me. Instead I just wish to receive the money fro the bank area. i have the ability to allocate a payment to a specific client, however it then doesn't show up in the client sales reports. It appears that the report searches for sales ONLY from the invoice data and not the invoice data and the money received data.



