AngeW's avatar
11 years ago

Sales: Include a date column

I am sure many clients would benefit from have the option of using the "Item" based layout AND a "Professional" based layout as is available in the AccountRight Versions. For service based businesses - the Account Live product is not adaptive enough.


At best i would love to have the option of a service date and be able to not have all columns printing on the invoice. This would mean that internally we could use the item function, but not have the item numbers, qty being printed on the customers invoice.


"Service Date per invoice line"


  • I would like to be able to enter a date of supply on each invoice line.

    I provide my services as a contractor, and 1 invoice can be for 5x separate days (or part days) on 1 invoice.

    also another vote for negative value to be possible to cover withholding tax held by client..

    • Leanne_Berry's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Why not use a seperate line on the invoice for each date of supply???

      • CathieR's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        Leanne,  thank  I have amended my answer.  Keep falling into that trap.



        To enter the date just override the description for each line to include the date.

        Say Item 001 is Service Fees, enter in description 20/7/2011 Service Fee, and then for the next line Item 001 21/7/2011 Service Fee.

  • When sending invoices to clients it is generally required to tell the client on the invoice what date/s the job was....  Currently there is no way of adding "dates" to each line on the invoice


    Sure its fine to manually  type the date on the description line, but not ideal. Having used Account Edge/Right there was always an option at the begining of each descriptive line to allocate a date to that line.


    Im sure may professionals using the "SERVICES" layout would like this feature.

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for your post. As you would've noticed, LiveAccounts does not currently have an option to customise forms. However we are looking to stop the system from printing the Item column, if it is not used in the invoice. Therefore if you were to create a Service type invoice (with no Items) the printed form would not include the Item column. We hope to make this change in a future update.
  • I would also ask that this be attencded to ASAP, I have numerous clients - that I have recommended upgrade/change to Live Accounts, and there is no 'service invoice'.


    My clients are not happy as the vast majority are service businesses, and for them to supply their client/customer with an 'item invoice' is ridiculous, and makes my client look unprofessional.


    This does not reflect well on me, nor MYOB.


    This really should be attended to promptly.

  • I need a column titled date and the ability to select a date in each row from a drop down or a calendar.