becn's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: Include Purchase Order on Invoices page



It would be great if the Purchase order number could be displayed in one of the columns when looking at the list of invoices (whether paid, overdue or current) - perhaps between the invoice number and customer name.


This would save a lot of time searching to see if an invoice has been created against a particular invoice (rather than opening up each individual invoice)





"Purchase order number displayed on list of invoice"


  • +1. Definitey useful when looking at a large list of invoices being able to identify which one relates to a particular job.

  • I agree with Becn,


    Some of my clients need to reference their cutomer's Purchase order number on the invoices.  It's important to be able to track which purchase orders have been finished, and which ones still need to be completed, and therefore we need to be able to be able to quickly search for it without opening every single invoice for that customer.


    There will be occasions where Purchase Orders go missing, and without the ability to quickly search for it in MYOB, it can take a bit of time finding it if you need to inspect every single invoice..

  • Status added:
    Thank you for clarifying the details that you would like to be able to add to your "Enter Sales" screen and have flow through to your printed/emailed Invoices. Any other users that would like this feature included in a future update please do make sure to vote and comment.
  • becn's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Matthew


    I know that purchases are separate from Sales - but on the invoices we have have a spot to put the company we are billings Purchase Order number, for their reference (to match our invoice against). It would be great if this purchase order number could be added as a column when you look at the invoices list ie outstanding etc




  • Status removed:
    Hi Bec, thank you for your feedback. Could you please clarify the information that you would like to see? Purchase are separate from your Sales so your Invoices will not have a specific Purchase to show in your Invoice column.
  • Hi,

    Could we please have the supplier's invoice number on the view expenses list or at least in one of the reports please?


    • Richard_Puffe's avatar
      Trusted User

      Hi Julie,


      Great suggestion. You can save this information on the actual expense but I can see having it visible on the listing screen or reports would be beneficial, so I will add this request to our roadmap.