deepfried's avatar
Contributing Cover User
11 years ago

Setup: BAS Preparation

Hi there


At the moment MyobLive doesn't seem to have much automated functionalityfor BAS. 


Given that the system already calcuates the BAS it seems really odd that the user has to manually create a spend journal or a reversal to allocate GST Paid, Collected, PAYG instalment etc, and also fill in the ATO forms.  Surely this could all be automated, afterall it's the most confusing thing for small business and the one where MYOB already does much of the heavy lifting (in my case, the main reason for using the package in the first place).




"BAS Preparation"


  • Indau's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Totally agree. This is a greatly needed feature.


    Please add my vote to the list.

  • This is a no brainer. Taking information from one system, to write on a form, which will be data entered to another defies all to B2B logic. This functionality is avaialble in most packages and needs to be added to Live accounts.

  • Status changed:
    Thank you for your suggestion, deepfried, we're happy to look into the options for adding this. It would be great to see some feedback form the rest of the community to see if they would like to see this feature added as well.
  • SBR - submitting TFN and BAS to the ATO. absolutly essential for small business.

    • davis_aj's avatar
      Experienced User

      When will MYOB Essentials Payroll be able to send the ATO Tax File Number Declaration electronically?

      • Chadref's avatar

        Following this thread. This is something Myob should have already implemented a long time ago

    • heimdal's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Almost three years after my last post and still no comments from MYOB and still no functionality. The free package I have has been improved and I think at the end of this financial year I might transfer my accounts to them.

  • MOBS's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Just wondering why LiveAccounts does not have a BASLink? Surely this would be a top priority before releasing this product? Is it on the agenda?  If yes, when?  If no, why not?

    • Yes please this is the 1 thing absolutly essential for any small business.

      Please can we have an expected date for this feature its a deal breaker, I am considering going back to the desk top version because of this.

  • Fizzkid's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    WHy is it not possible to generate a report to submit directly to the ATO for Monthly PAYG notification?


    E-record could do it, surely the format is not top secret?!