TweakIT's avatar
11 years ago

Setup: Show session countdown for inactivity

Could we please have a Session Countdown (similar to websites of banks & super funds) where there is a visible count down of the time remaining on your session before automatic logout occurs. This would improve the workflow of admin/accounting personnel who need to deal with a lot of paperwork inbetween use of the system & they could keep an eye on their session & activate it if it is getting close to the expiry time and not lose any work.


"Session Countdown"


  • GM73's avatar
    Cover User

    Ever started writing an invoice and got distracted, only to return to finish the invoice and find it has timed out and disappears when the page refreshes?

    How hard would it be to make the page save before timeout or sleep mode activates or a prompt when you accidentally hit the back arrow "do you want to save?" Life is too short to re-enter details unnecessarily!!

    • gregglesspiked's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      This is well overdue. I've seen a post dating back to 2014 with this recommendation....


      This is an expensive accounting platform and it doesn't have basic - last century - autosave. I've lost hours on quotes that have disappeared after being auto logged out. One of which just happened!


      Pick up your game MYOB, im sure its an easy fix. I mean you can auto save this comment im about to make...

  • SonicSecurity's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I find this it set at too low a value. 

    When building a pay run for example, It could take me a little while to complete it. By the time I get to complete it and hit save the system hasa timed out and I loose all of the entered data. 
    The only solution that I have found to counter this issue is to use another LiveAccounts browser tab to ensure that I haven't been logged out before returning to my payrun and hitting save. 

    Because the entries in the payrun page are not applied until you have finished, the system incorrectly assumes that the session has not been active and times out.


    Clumsy is the word to describe this issue. 


    Are you able to either have the entered values applied or autosaved as this forum does every minute or so because when it does happen the expletives used towards this software cannot be printed for the world to see ;)




    • MrBlob197's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I have the same issue with invoicing.
      I can be busy entering invoices and I'm kicked off mid invoice, all the data lost and I have to start again. This can be several minutes of work due to the length and complexity of the entry at the time.
      The expletives I can assure you are directed squarely at the program designers and developers and would make most people blush.


      WHY THE HELL can't it at least autosave the work currently being done ????????????????

    • Tallie_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi there -Jace_Rahilly,


      Welcome to the Community Forum. We do hope you find it a valuable resource.


      Firstly, we do ask that in the future, queries such as these are posted on the MYOB Essentials Community Forum for both your benefit, as well as for other clients that may have experienced the same issue.


      Unfortunately, there is no way of retrieving the data entered prior to a quote/invoice being saved as Essentials only saves the information upon actually recording the transaction.


      We do understand how frustrating losing all your work must be. As a tip, we have found that some clients do find it helpful to save the quote or invoice periodically to keep a record of their details. As these saved transactions can be edited, you can then go back into the quote and continue working on it, being a bit more reassured that if it does time out or logs you out again for any reason, that at the very least you will not have lost all your work.




  • Thanks Matthew_W. I would prefer the Timer please as I see some downfalls with a pop-up. Firstly, a lot of people have their PC's block pop-ups so they might not know that this function is there once implemented as it will be automatically blocked. Secondly, if the pop-up was to be developed with an "OK" to click on to clear it off the screen, (and if other peope are like me) I have a tendency to click away before actually reading a message just to get it off my screen & also have a habit of bumping my mouse which clears it as I like to have the setting of the mouse to automatically default to the dialog box.

  • Status changed:
    Thanks for your suggestion for adding a timeout counter. This is certainly something that could be useful and we can look into adding in a future update. Some votes to show the demand from the community on this would be great so we can see how many people would also like to see it. Also is a timer what you would like or perhaps a pop up when you've got a couple minutes left, as this might be more noticeable when working on other things.