BelairAccounts's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Cards: Certification fields with expiration dates

With the latest compliance upgrade it's wonderful how you can check ABN status'. 


I work in the building and construction industry for a number of builders and one of the most time consuming "headaches" is ensuring you have workers comp and public liability (or subcontractor statements) on file.  There are heavy penalties if workers comp audit your business and you're found to not have these on file.


When considering further improvements to MYOB, would it be possible to include entries on the supplier's card file so that you can enter expiry dates for workers comp, subcontractor statements and public liability certificates of currency.  Further, that when you enter a supplier invoice, MYOB will alert you if any of them have expired.


Just a suggestion :smileyhappy:


  • Managing Subconstractors Statements for the Building & Constructions Industry can be quite time consuming. It would be great it MYOB had the capability to allow the following information to be entered into the subcontractors card;

    1. W/Comp Coc - Expiry Date & Policy Number & Insurer
    2. Public Liability  - Expiry Date & Policy Number & Insurer


    Also, if a field on Sales invoices could be added to tick if the subconstrctors statement had been received. This way all information could be checked online before a payment was released.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status removed:

    Thanks for the suggestion. AccountRight has a number custom fields in supplier cards, which can be renamed. You can find out more about these through the link below. Would these suit your needs?

    Using custom lists and fields

  • BelairAccounts's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Thanks for the comment.


    The Custom Lists and Fields would be handy if you could enter an expiry date and then MYOB notify you if you try to enter a supplier invoice when it's expired.


    The problem is, these certificates of currency can expire anytime so at the moment, I diarise them in my Tasks in Outlook - this sends me a reminder that something has expired and I can then start to make communications to obtain renewed policies.  We have so many subbies and businesses working on our projects it's hard to keep up with those that have expired, suppliers that haven't responded to requests, etc. and so at the moment it's beneficial to keep track using Outlook.  However, it would be really handy if, when putting in a supplier invoice, MYOB alerts you that the workers comp, or subcontractors statement, or public liability has expired.  I can then pursue the paperwork still using Outlook, but at least I know to hold payment or to start chasing.  I don't see the point in having a note on the card file in custom lists/fields if it doesn't remind me.


    I've thought about using the Contact log but would be so much easier if it came up at the time you keyed in the invoice.


    Subbies/business may have to provide one, two or all three of the above depending on the situation and the ABN type.


    On another point re the ABN, if you check an ABN and the current company is "active" but for whatever reason the business becomes "inactive" - does MYOB notify you that it's changed?  We have a lot of subbies that have ABN's that go in and out of business, also the GST status often changes because they start out "not registered for GST" but then change to "registered for GST".  What's the best way to find out about these changes without having to manually check.


    It took me days checking the ABN status' when we first got the upgrade - I really don't want to have to spend days each year checking there's been no changes.





  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status added:

    Thanks for the clarification. So what you need is a certification field with an expiration date.

  • BelairAccounts's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yes - but also something that notifies you that it has expired like when you enter an invoice for that supplier, a warning comes up saying that their workers comp certificate has expired.

  • Status changed:

    Hi BelairAccounts 

    Thanks for confirming that information

    I have marked this idea as Under consideration. I would encourage another users that would like to see a certification field and an expiration date plus an alert when its past due to vote for this idea and comment if required.