ActionCranes's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Purchases: Stop data entry when field has reached character limit

When I am entering data in a field that has restricted number of characters MYOB doesn't stop me from entering past these number of characters. Instead I can just keep typing and error messages appear once i move to the next field. 


Can you please change it so that if i can only enter 8 or 256 characters then it doesn't keep typing once i exceed these characters?

"Warnings for exceeding number of characters"


  • Fairlady's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    This has been a problem since MYOB was upraded people have been asking for this to be fixed. It  should be an easy fix "Please" can it be done....from a data entry point of view very frustrating and time consuming as you have to keep going back and counting back to "Eight Digits".....not efficiant !!!!

  • Fairlady's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    This has been a problem since MYOB was upraded people have been asking for this to be fixed. It  should be an easy fix "Please" can it be done....from a data entry point of view very frustrating and time consuming as you have to keep going back and counting back to "Eight Digits".....not efficiant !!!!


  • Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi Everyone

    Great to see people supporting this particular idea.

    We are looking into enforcing the character limit on the Enter Purchase window for the Purchase No and Journal Memo window, so that data entry values will stop after reaching that limit

  • Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi Everyone

    With the release of AccountRight 2017.2, the character limit on the Purchase No: and Journal memo fields on the Enter Purchase window are enforced. This does mean that once the character limit ( 8 for Purchase No, 255 for Journal memo) is reached data entry for that field will stop.


    You can find out more information about this change and other changes, including information on obtaining AccountRight 2017.2 from AccountRight 2017.2 now available.