Julia1's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Report: Job Profit & Loss Statement - Comparison based report between jobs

Currently when I run a Job Profit and Loss Report, a profit and loss report is produced for each job running down the page.  This does not provide good comparison between jobs.


It would make much more sense to present the account categories (Sales, Expenses, Net Profit) down the page and each job accross the top of the page.  I have attached an example, which I consider is a much better format.  Would MYOB please consider re-designing this report in Account Right Live?


 "Job Profit and Loss Format"


  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    That’s an interesting idea. Anyone else who would like to see a comparative job profit and loss report, that shows all jobs and accounts in a table, please add your vote here.

  • Hi AusresearchJulia1bhrehirc,


    This type of flexible Job reporting is available in some of the Addon solutions see - http://myob.com.au/addons/


    As an example our software Business Intelligence for MYOB can produce this type of Job P&L


                             Job 1     Job 2      JOb 3    Total





    See some examples here - https://biformyob.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202948634-Use-Job-Headers-to-group-similar-Jobs-together


    All details and a 14 day free trial aare on our website - www.BIforMYOB.com


    I hope this helps.


    Jennifer Kelly CA

    Business Intelligence for MYOB

    02 8011 1511

  • XERO already has this and it's a simple report that that's of people use.  I don't know why this is not already a standard report on MYOB.

  • Hi MYOB  Team,


    PLEASE PLEASE build Monthly Budgets and FY Comparison for Jobs .


    I am frustrating that MYOB cannot set FY Comparison and monthly budget for Jobs profit and loss report.


    We need to see the FY comparison for each Jobs for us to better understanding the business.


    Thanks in advance.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    The Job profit & loss comparison report available in the AccountRight Browser will showcase the jobs in a table format comparison.