mcv's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Statements: Emailed PDF name

when emailing statements out to customers there statement is attached to teh email via a PDF
that myob generates,


this file is default saved in the email as 'EStatement' and there is no way to change this,


when will we be able to select a different file name to save this as?????


"Emailing Statement name of PDF file"


  • Status changed:

    Thank you for your suggestion mcv


    Being able to change the name of the attachment file when emailing statements would be a handy option to have. We would like to see what others think, if you are interested please cast your vote and leave comments if required.

  • mcv's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    the option to change the file name shoud be locatated with field {pdf filename=}

    setup > preferences > reports and forms > emails > statements



    perhaps with option to include the date in the file name??? possibly a tick box for todays date? eg    

    company abbreviation/name statement - todays date -      


  • GazzaA's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I belive this is a great idea to have the PDF file name automatically include the Customer Name & Date of Statement.  This would also be beneficial with Invoices.

  • FHK's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yes it would be very useful to have date and it should be the supplier's name as suggested by mcv rather than the customer name, as the customer needs to know who it is from.





  • Hi GazzaA and FHK

    Thank you both for your feedback and additional ideas. I have shared them with the team.

  • Davis's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I would also like the defualt save of the invoice to included clients name beside the invoice number as a default would be nice too

  • IED's avatar
    Cover User

    Yes. It must be done so the receiver knows who it is from when they save the file. 

    Also needed for invoices. 

    Can it be a custom entry, eg MyCompanyName & Inv & invoice number 

  • Hi IED


    Thank you for your feedback and additional thoughts in regards to this idea.

    Along with commenting for an idea on the AccountRight Idea Exchange  you can show your support for an idea via voting. To vote for an idea select the + VOTE button to the left of the idea.

  • I have a number of clients who own multiple buildings and require seperate accounts in the name of the building but invoices and statements all get sent to the same address, so if the statements could show the client name that would be perfect!!