Auto_Services's avatar
12 years ago

Receive Payments: Show finance charge owing amount

We use overdue finance charges.  My problem is that when a customer comes into pay their account I either  go to received payments or sales register for that customer, so that I know how much is outstanding and what to charge them. The problem there is Finance charges aren't included in either of those screens.  It would be great if they were.


For me to make sure that we charge out a finance charge I have to reprint a statement for every customer that comes into pay.  This isn't an effective/efficient way for us to do this and a lot of these finance charges are missed.


At minimum a report to show who has finance charges owing would be a help.  If there was a report that we could print each morning that showed all customers with finance charges we'd at least know who's accounts we did need to print the statement for.  Or have up to date info of finance charges on the report to eliminate having to reprint statements at all.


Ideally though we could see the finance charges in either the sales register or received payments screens.


"Show Finance Charges owing on Payment Screen"

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