Tanya_Spence's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Taxable Payments: Show reportable and non-reportable transactions

I have collated some of the issues along with suggestions that I have encountered during the TPAR process this year.  Each year the feature is inproved in MYOB but I think that there are some relatively simple additions that would assist us greatly to ensure accuracy of the data.


1.  Issue: Data has been entered with GST as the tax code but the supplier is GNR.

     Suggested solution:  Have an exceptions report as part of this process to flag any transactions that have been recorded with a different tax code to that recorded on the card file.


2.  Issue:  Difficult to check that all transactions that should be included in TPAR have been included.  The TPAR transaction review, doesn't show all transactions for a supplier only the transactions that have been ticked to be included. 

     Suggested Solution:   The Review Transactions window could inlcude all transactions for the supplier and indicate which ones have been included and which ones haven't. 

     Suggested Solution:    I have been using the Purchases (Supplier Detail) Report then checking each supplier card has been included that should be.  I love this report as it also shows the description and not the memo so is very easy to identify materials/vs labour.  However, this report would be so much more useful for this purpose if we could add a field that indicated if the transaction has been included for taxable payments.  This would also mean that this report could be used as part of our qtrly process to reduce the amount of work at the end of the year.


 "Issues/Suggestions with Taxable Payments Process"

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    Hi Everyone


    AccountRight 2016 allows for the user to select to view all transactions, be it reportable or not reportable, from within the Review Transactions window based on the selected date range and selected/all suppliers. It does also have the option to Show unpaid purchases.

    In terms of the report, you could look at running the Reports>>GST/Sales Tax>>Tax Code Exception [Invoice Transactions]. This report will show the tax code from the account and that from the entered tax code.