ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: A fresh look for our forum The home page looks cleaner, but I'd rather see product improvements and fixes than forum updates... Re: AccountRight 2019.2 is now available jowalshYou can send to more than one email address. I have multiple addresses stored in the one field for a couple of my cards. Just add a semi colon between each one. eg;; (no spaces) On another card I have the address saved as (invoices); (statements); (orders) . When I go to email the invoices or orders or whatever, I just manually deleted the ones not needed for this second example. If it needs to be sent to everyone, I use the first example. Re: AccountRight 2018.4.1 is now available Still no emailing sales payment receipts... Could someone PLEASE provide an update on this feature? The idea exchange post is being ignored and hasn't had an official response to comments for quite some time. It has been listed as planned implementation since 2013. Staff I've asked by phone have said they'll investigate and get back to me but never do. Re: AccountRight 2018.1.1 now available ntoumbaThe larger purchase screen is one of the new features listed in the blog post above, I'd say it's deliberate. I haven't upgraded yet (can't restart the computer since others access it via remote desktop) so can't see exactly what difference it makes. Re: Introducing Badges on the MYOB Community! What a waste of time and resources. This is not social media or a game. It's a business platform. Re: AccountRight 2017.2 now available KeithsFood It is down for all users. MYOB's hold message says they are aware of it and working to get it back online. Nothing to do but wait unfortunately. Heather Re: AccountRight 2017.2 now available Hi Doveen. I know your comment was directed to MYOB but before you make the decision to "upgrade". I would suggest you read some of the other "ideas" in this forum. While on the whole, AccountRight is more streamlined and easier for our external accountant to access etc, it does NOT have all the functionality that V19 had when we changed over. Some of the report options have changed, user permissions are not as flexible. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't change over, only that you spend a bit of time seeing what other users don't like about it. From what I understand, MYOB is not developing v19 any more other than compliance updates and that they are focusing on the "new" version. Most days, I am glad we changed over but some days I wish we hadn't, depending on what feature I discover is no longer available or broken. Heather Re: AccountRight 2017.2 now available Hi gavin12345 I agree that bug fixes are more important than new features. What I'd really like is the bugs that affect our business to be fixed first. :) (Completely selfish, I know) and to have the features re-introduced that were in V19 but disappeared in the new you-beaut version. Reports I used almost daily lost the ability to include important fields. User permissions and access to reports is a nightmare for confidentiality. Having to resize columns in the bank rec report before printing, every, single, time, is getting a bit old. Although I guess with this update I can save the bank rec as a custom report and it will remember column sizes. Oh, but wait, that means any user with access to custom reports can access that report too. #rantover But yes, in all seriousness, they have addressed a number of known issues with this update and I should be grateful for that. Heather EDIT: And yet, as I was typing this reply I got an email saying I'd earned a badge in the MYOB community! Seriously? I'd rather get rid of the forum and moderators and have those staff working on fixing all the issues. I use MYOB for business, not as a social media substitute where I need to earn badges to feel good. #maybetherantwasntoverafterall Re: AccountRight 2017.2 now available So many lovely little improvements yet not a single one from any of the ideas I've voted on or suggested despite some of them having had a "planned" status for over 4 years... So desperately wish I could roll back to v19. The benefits from AccountRight 2017 have not yet outweighed the losses of functionality we experienced even though we were assured that everything would be the same but better in the new and improved cloud version. Re: AccountRight 2016.1.1 (AU) now available Would turning on the "email from AccountRight" option still store the sent emails in Outlook? When we send purchase orders and requests for quotes from AccountRight, we attach them into our job database via outlook. Or, can you turn on the email from AccountRight option only for sales invoices or will it be for all emails sent? If it doesn't use outlook at all, will the sent emails be saved in a folder somewhere that we would still be able to attach into the other software program and access for reference later?