Inventory Item & the InTray
i have an purchase invoice in the In Tray. I create New Bill and the Bill populates correctly in the Purchases - New Service Window. It populates, name, date, invoice number and the price correctly. But as soon as I put the item number the price changes to the "Last Cost Price". Why doesn't it keep the price of the invoice? And is there a way for this not to change?SolvedHow to get help from my.MYOB
I have two questions. I used to be able to search the "Knowledge Base" when I logged into my.MYOB. That doesn't appear to work anymore. All I see is "MYOB AE/AO support. How can we help you?" Which doesn't help. How do I get help from MYOB? How do I get help/instructions with Inventory regarding Consignment Stock as a Consignor? I have found an article posted by "Support Note Guy" back in 2016. This post has examples but there are no images. Is there any updated versions? What happened to all the instructions that used to be available? Is "Ask the Community" all that we can use? There is nothing wrong with that as I have found this area extremely helpful but it seems that MYOB is passing the buck. MYOB doesn't seem to provide much help anymore. Unless it is in a place that I don't know about. Thanking in advance for any assistance. Regards, Lea237Views0likes0CommentsRestrict access to Analyse Inventory (Detail) report via Item Information window
Hi, I have disabled access to all reports for some users, but they are still able to access the Analyse Inventory report via the item information window. The arrows next to committed, on order and available, should not be accessible, they were able to be disabled in AR19 if the function of "Analyse inventory" was disabled for the user. The fact that access is restricted when you try to click on the arrows next to quantity on hand and current value makes me feel like this is an oversight.438Views0likes3CommentsTurning off Inventory Tracking
Hi Is there a way to bulk disable "I inventory this item" for all items in the items list? Currently we have an inventory list of 2500 items, we do not use MYOB for inventory tracking however historically our file has been set up this way. This causes errors when an item reaches negative inventory. Many thanks599Views0likes4CommentsBeginning inventory balance, add items
Hi, we currently maintain a spreadsheet of inventory items with the ending value recorded in the assets account for inventory and matched to the spreadsheet. I want to move these items into MYOB - 1. I have managed to import all the items using a code and their description, and accounts for buy, sell and inventory. 2. My question is how do I get the quantities of the items into MYOB so that the COGS calculates? Would I need to enter in the last cost of the item into the "standard cost" box to ensure that happens? 3. Going forward, whatever the last cost of the item is would be what we would use. I understand there is a check box in preferences that I should not select to ensure this happens. Please confirm/advise how to proceed?Solved1.3KViews0likes3CommentsLast Cost of the item picking value before discount is applied
In ARL 2020.3 version, when you use the Disc% when receiving a suppliers invoice the last purchase price isn't correct. It uses the Price before discount and not the Total divided by the qty We are aware of the scenario where it behaves the same in AR Classic(v19) versions as well. But this caused the Items list and items profit margin report are incorrect AT THE VERY LEAST THEY SHOULD MAKE USERS AWARE OF THE PROBLEM. I have hundreds of items with incorrect last cost. The cost of an item is the price less the discount. This is reflected in the cost of goods sold in the MYOB software but not the last cost, it is incorrect and an error in the softwareSolvedKeeping track of supplier costs and item costs
Hi MYOB, I've currently set-up individual cost of sale accounts for each of our ingredients e.g. pork trim, pork shoulder, pork fat. I"ve also created a cost of sale account for each supplier. At the moment I am able to keep track of how much of each ingredient I am buying in a dollar value however, I cannot see how much I am spending with each supplier. We have 4 suppliers of pork which we regularly buy from. Is their a way to maintain this current set-up but also have MYOB keep track of how much I am spending with each supplier in total? This would be extremely helpful if we are able to do this. Please help.Solved866Views0likes3Comments