Re: Super payment not received by employee's fund
Hi Komal, I'm having similar issues...I made payment for Dec and Jan Employee's super on 9/2/22. MYOB shows status "Completed"....funds have been deducted from bank account, but no money has reached any of our employee's super funds. I waited 1.5 hours thismorning to speak to a MYOB Support Officer, only to be cut off!! I just want to know when this money will reach our employees funds so we stop receiving emails from Super Funds and queries from our staff!!!380Views1like2CommentsDuplicate payment
Hi, I sent a tax invoice invoice through MYOB Accountright to one of my customer. She paid using Pay Now button in the email by credit card then she received a reminder that the same invoice is overdue after couple days so she pressed the button PAY NOW and paid the invoice again. how can i refund her payment248Views0likes1Comment