Include the pdf in the Sent emails screen
Hi, I would like to be able to see the pdf copy that has been sent via an email from MYOB. We have recently had an issue where we had an email account hacked and we need to confirm quickly that our pdf's haven't been tampered with as a follow up check. The fact that they don't show in our Outlook sent folder anymore means we can't actually see the exact message that has gone. This is problematic for us.11Views0likes2CommentsAdding Attachments in the Sales Register - available in Purchases but not Sales
Hi there We love that in the Purchases Register you can add the Supplier Invoice - helps a lot for our company to go paperless. Is there a reason that hasn't been rolled out on the Sales Register side? Would be great to do the same for a Customer's purchase order or relevant correspondence about the order. Thanks SamIt would be good if the Invoice delivery status changes to "To be emailed" when a backorder/quote is converted into an invoice.
Backorders retain "Already Printed or Sent". When we bulk email the invoices each day these invoices get missed, eventually customers missing payment as they haven't received the invoice. It would be good if the Invoice delivery status changes to "To be emailed" when a backorder/quote is converted in to an invoice. Although there is a work around to change the Invoice delivery Status to "To be emailed/Printed", it is manual and the operator needs to remember it. With the number of invoices, we send out each day, sometimes the operator forgets to change the status on the backorders turned to invoices. Hence misses to send the invoice out and customer misses the payment as they haven't received it.assign file name to invoice batches
It would be great to be able to (auto)assign file names when printing batches of invoices (eg the fiel name is the Card ID) Current using the following process the file name is left blank If the CARD ID could be assigned to each pdf generated in each batch this would greatly improve the ability to save to folder across multiple invoicesChanging dates when changing Sales Quotes/Orders to Invoices
Hi Team, Long time desktop AccountRight user here. If I had just one wish, just one, it would be when changing predated quotes/orders to open invoices, it would automatically change to today's date. My sales team often convert existing orders to invoices adhoc throughout the day, often without changing the date. I am responsible for sending out the end of day invoices in a batch. All accidental pre-dated invoices often miss the batch. When customer payments are made 30 days later, even though statements have been sent, customers will more than likely miss payment on that particular invoice because they hadn't received it. When goods are received from our suppliers, MYOB automatically defaults "receive items" to todays date. For the sake of consistency, wouldn't it just make sense to do the same when invoicing? Many thanks for your consideration Best Regards BruceDo NOT include Online Payments by default with Secure Invoicing.
Upgrading to Secure Invoicing should not be connected by default to Online Invoice Payments. These two things should be separate. For MYOB users to continue emailing Invoices requires the mandatory upgrade to Secure Invoicing - fine. But it SHOULD NOT cause the activation of Online Invoice Payments by default. And the option to "not allow" isn't working universally. Until that flaw is completely fixed, Online Invoice Payments must be separate from Secure Invoicing upgrades.94Views10likes4CommentsMultiple shipping addresses for one customer
I have just had my file migrated from AccountRight to BusinessPro and am disappointed to realise that I am unable to do several of the things that I have previously done on a daily basis. One of these is multiple shipping addresses for one customer. I need to charge/invoice the head office of a chain of stores that I supply for all of the product that I send to their numerous stores, but I need the shipping address on the invoice to show the store that received the product. i.e. there are many different shipping addresses, but all billed to one account. In Accountright I was able to do this by selecting the head office as the customer, and then choosing "another card" as the billing or shipping address - (all of the stores had their own cards)- and this way the relevant store's details ended up on the invoices, but all invoices for all stores were charged to the single account of the head office. I have just changed to Business Pro and there doesn't appear to be a way in this software to choose "another card" for a shipping/billing address. It would be great if this function could be added. P.S. When I was looking for a solution in the community forum, I did see that this issue had been raised a couple of years ago. I55Views2likes5Comments