annual leave/paternity leave
good morning. newish to MYOB Business Payroll NZ - one of my employees is on paternity leave, returning to work 13 Jan. (which is also her anniversary date) her annual leave has been accruing while on paternity leave, apparently this is how MYOB do it. I've been told that it accrues at $0 rate while on pt leave. To me this means she's had 6 months pt leave therefore accrued half her 4 weeks annual leave - when she wants to take annual leave not long after she's back to work in January, how do I apply this two weeks leave at $0? Do I explain to her that as the leave has accrued while she's been on pt leave there is no value the two weeks accrued? If she hadn't been on pt leave then her 4 weeks a/l would be applied 13 Jan which I understand, what I don't understand is she has received 2 weeks a/l she is not entitled to. Am I right or wrong? please help, many thanks.Solved