AccountRight 2014.3 now available (NZ maintenance update)
Install this maintenance update to improve AccountRight’s stability and experience less errors.
What's been fixed?
In this update, we fixed a few system bugs that caused AccountRight to randomly crash. The most common crashes reported involved transaction printing. For example, some clients found that AccountRight would experience issues when a transaction window was closed before it was printed.
We’ve identified the culprit code, and fixed it all up, so you’re less likely to experience errors like this anymore.
Errors explained in plain English
We hope you never encounter an error while using AccountRight, but if you do, we’ve improved the user experience so you get more help in understanding and resolving the problem.
If an unrecoverable error were to occur, you can now click the check for a solution link in the error window (see below) and we’ll find an online Support Note that gives you details about what happened.
If we’re stumped, and don’t have a specific Support Note for the error you’ve experienced, we’ll give you some general tips on how to reduce the chance of errors occurring. But we’d also like to know more about the error you got - just click the Send MYOB the details link to email us an error report.
Our development team reviews these error reports, identifies the issues and prioritises work to resolve them. If you want to see the details that will be reported, click the View the error details link.
Using AccountRight Basics?
If you’re updating from AccountRight Basics 2014.2, you’ll be happy to know that the case of the missing Selling Details tab in customer cards has also been solved. You can once again manage your customer sales details, credit terms and GST details from the Card Information window.
Get the update
The 2014.3 update is being rolled out over the next few days to all clients who have an MYOB AccountRight Live or BusinesSUPPORT membership. Here's how you can get it:
If you're using:
- AccountRight 2013.3 or later: You'll see the prompt to update when you open your company file.
- AccountRight 2011 to AccountRight 2013.2: Go to Start > Software Updates. Haven't registered for software updates? See Support Note 32270.
- AccountRight v19 or earlier: Learn how to download the update.
If you encounter any problems downloading your update, you can access it from