Blog Post
Hi AllRounders
Generally speaking when you purchase a new box program of AccountRight Live it will come with a six month free subscription from when you first registered the software with us. This six month subscription does entitle you to register for bank feeds and upload the file to the cloud so others, such as an Accountant, can use it. In your case you do have a free six month subscription which started on 22/06/2014 (when you register the program will us) and which will expire on 19/12/2014.
Here are some Support Notes to get you going with
Applying for AccountRight bank feeds
Setting up an AccountRight company file for online access
AccountRight - online user invitations
Please note as bank feeds and cloud access are "Live" features you would need to have an AccountRight subscription. So after those 6 months have expired you would needs to be paying for an AccountRight Live Subscription. An AccountRight Live Subscription ddoesn't exclusively offer live features it offers a range of benefits from Extended Support, upgrades to training options and much more - for a full list please see AccountRight Live Subscription.