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The AccountRight Blog

Better BAS management - BAS and your bookkeeper or accountant

Merrin's avatar
Former Staff
10 years ago

If you pay your BAS quarterly, you'll have just lodged your BAS for the October to December quarter.  We all want to make this less of a hassle, so today’s BAS tip is one to make working with your bookkeeper or accountant easier.


Let’s face it, there’s times when we’re not sure what GST code to use for a transaction we’re entering into AccountRight. Here’s a way to highlight those transactions, so your bookkeeper or accountant can help.


1. Set up a query tax code


Set up a QUE tax code (Short for QUEry – because I like things to be logical. You can use whatever code you like, just don’t make it similar to an *actual* tax code.)


Set it up like this:


tax code QUE.png


2. Whenever you're not sure of the GST code to use, simply use QUE as the tax code.


3. Next time your accountant or bookkeeper logs in to your AccountRight file, they can run the Transaction Tax Code report and filter it by the QUE code.




This displays all the transactions that you’ve allocated the QUE code to, so all your accountant or bookkeeper has to do is click into the transaction and change the code to the correct one.


It’s an easy way to make sure you’re claiming the right GST on your transactions, which means better peace of mind that your BAS is correct.


What’s your favourite tip or trick for making BAS time easier? Share it in the comments below. I’d love to hear them.

Updated 10 years ago
Version 2.0
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