Updating AccountRight is now easier
Giving you more, more often
In the old days, sweet new AccountRight features were released once a year. While this made it easy for us to manage our releases, it meant we sat on neat new features a whole year before you could use them. We didn’t think this was too cool so we’ve changed our processes.
You know we’ve rebuilt AccountRight, right? Well, one of the benefits of our new technology is that we can deliver great new features throughout the year (and fix a few things along the way), so goodbye needless delays. In fact, if you’re using an online-enabled version of AccountRight, you may have noticed that we’re releasing updates more often. But we were still using our old process to send you updates which meant quite a number of our clients were missing out. This is about to change.
What we used to do
For many years we used a Software Manager tool to send updates to you. Over time we noticed that many people weren’t updating and so weren’t getting the benefits they were entitled to. So we adorned some funky thinking caps and started looking for reasons why.
We realised that the update process required you to register your product serial number in order to receive an update. Many of our customers weren’t doing this and missed out on important updates.Also, we found that even for those who did register, it was far too easy to miss or ignore update messages.
So, what have we done?
You’ve told us that registering for updates is an extra task you don’t need, so we’ve removed this in our process. Yes, just install AccountRight and we’ll do the rest. Now, each time you log in to your company file, AccountRight will automatically check if there’s a newer version. If there is one, you’ll see a window that explains what has changed. You can then update your software immediately or choose to do it later.
If you choose to do it later, a message will appear in AccountRight letting you know that an update is available. It’s a subtle message that won’t take up your whole screen, but you definitely won’t miss it.
Cool, so when is it available?
We’re rolling out the new software update experience over the next couple of months. If you’re in Australia and have updated to AccountRight 2013.2, you’ll be the first to see it when we release 2013.3. If you’re in New Zealand, you’ll get the new experience later in the year when we release 2013.4.
We’re excited to release this new feature as we know it’ll give you awesome new updates sooner. Happy business-ing!