Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) for cellar door sales
WET is a tricky area of taxation which usually requires assistance from an accounting advisor to set up in your MYOB software.
To learn more about WET and the producer WET rebate, visit the ATO website.
This article is provided for guidance only - it might not be suitable for your business requirements. If you need clarification, check with your accounting advisor or post your question below.
To track WET for cellar door sales, you'll need to create some new tax codes, accounts, and an inventory item. We'll describe these below, but for details on creating them press F1 in your MYOB software to view the help.
Set up a new tax code for Cellar Door Sales
The rate of this tax is 50% of the WET based on the tax inclusive retail value.
- WET Tax=29%
- Modified rate for cellar door sales=14.5%
- GST on modified rate=14.5% x 1.1=15.95%
- As the WET is calculated on the tax inclusive retail price, 15.95% needs to be expressed as a tax inclusive percent, this is equal to:
- Tax rate/(1-Tax Rate) = 0.1595/0.8405 = 18.9768
- The tax inclusive WET rate is equal to 18.9768%
Here's an example:
Set up a tax code for GST based on the WET inclusive retail price
This is equal to the GST rate plus 10% of the WET, in other words 18.9768% X .1 = 1.89768% + 10% = 11.8977%.
Here's an example:
Set up a consolidated tax code to combine CDS and CDG
This tax code will be used on sales invoices. The total value of the combined tax should equal 30.8745%.
Here's an example:
Set up two new accounts to track the producer WET rebate
Create a liability account called 'Producer WET Rebate'. This account is used to track the amount of rebate owed to you by the ATO. It is set up as a liability account so that it is grouped with your other tax tracking accounts and will have a debit (negative) balance and in effect be an asset.
Here's an example:
Also create an income account called 'WET Refundable'. This account will track the rebate amount paid to you by the ATO.
Here's an example:
Set up two new tax codes to calculate the WET rebate
Create a new tax code called "Producer WET Rebate". Make the Tax Type Goods & Services Tax with a rate of 16.959%. The WET rebate is calculated as 29% of half of the retail price (including WET and GST), or 14.5% of the full retail price. The equivalent inclusive percentage is 0.145 divided by 0.855 (in other words 1 - 0.145), which equals 16.959%.
Make the Linked Account for Tax Collected the liability account set up earlier.
As this tax code should only ever be used for sales, you may want to create a liability account called 'Misallocated GST' and select this account as the Linked Account for Tax Paid. This way, if the tax code is ever accidentally used in a purchase, the misallocated GST will be isolated.
Here's an example:
Create a second new tax code called "Producer WET Rebate offset".
Make the Tax Type Goods and Services Tax with a rate of 16.959%.
Make the Linked Account for Tax Collected the income account created earlier.
Similarly, select the 'Misallocated GST' account as the Linked Account for GST Paid.
Here's an example.
Set up a new inventory item to record the WET rebate
Create a new inventory item called "WET Rebate Item". Select the option I Sell This Item and choose your applicable income account. On the Selling Details tab, choose N-T as the Tax Code When Sold.
Here's an example:
Enter your sales invoice
Enter your wine sales as Tax Inclusive. The first line contains the wine being sold, and the second and third lines handle the WET rebate using backorder quantities.
Here's an example:
This sale will create an invoice which records the WET and GST payable by the customer, and also an order that will account for the WET rebate to the wine producer.
Before recording the sale, go to the Edit menu and choose Recap Transaction. This will show the journal entries from the sale which will look like the example shown below:
Note that the Sales Tax Payable is half the retail value ($60) x 29%, and that the GST collected equals 1/11th of the $120 sale price.
The order created above needs to be recorded as an invoice so that the WET rebate payable is recorded in the accounts. Go to the Sales command centre, click Sales Register and the click on Orders tab. Locate the order and open it. Make sure that all of the details are correct and then click the Invoice button to convert the order to an invoice. Click Record. The invoice will be for $0.
A negative liability (asset) will be posted for the amount of the producer rebate ($120 x 29% x 50%=$17.40), which will be cleared when the rebate is received. Also, the amount of the rebate will be recorded against an income account.
How are the cellar door sales and the rebate reflected in the BAS?
The tax codes CDS and CDG should be selected at G1 on the calculation sheet of the BAS. CDS should also be selected at 1C to show the WET that is payable.
The producer rebate should be entered at 1D, 'Wine Equalisation Tax Refundable'. This can be done in BASlink by clicking the Setup button at field 1D and selecting the PWR tax code used in the example above.
If you're reporting GST on a cash basis, you'll have to manually enter the figure in to the T1 field.
Hope this helps. Feel free to post any questions or comments you may have on this topic. One of our Business Gurus or other experts on this forum should be able to help you further.