Blog Post
To quote the following comment from KathTB from July (20??):
"Hi, the above method provides a workaround for wine sellers, however my winemaker client says the invoice layout will not satisfy his customers who want to clearly see the total GST, also the Landed Unit Cost (cost incl. WET but not GST) per item. He is choosing to prepare his invoices manually for now and we will re-enter them into MYOB for internal purposes.
Can a standard invoice template be developed for wine sellers PLEASE? Or can you direct me to someone who can design one for a reasonable fee?
I have just called support and was told no - there is no work-around for this. Yes, I have read the comments about placing a black box over the offending tax code. Really? Some of the comments are dated back to 2011, 2012 & 2013!!! It's now 22nd February 2017 and MYOB users in the Wine Industry still cannot produce a Tax Invoice that is ATO Compliant? Really? I would love to hear from ANYONE who has come up with a way to produce (via MYOB Accountright Live) an ATO compliant Tax Invoice for the Wine Industry.