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Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) for wine wholesalers

SupportNoteGuy's avatar
MYOB Staff
10 years ago

WET is a tricky area of taxation which usually requires assistance from an accounting advisor to set up in your MYOB software.


To learn more about WET, visit the ATO website.


This article is provided for guidance only - it might not be suitable for your business requirements. If you need clarification, check with your accounting advisor or post your question below.






WET is typically calculated as 29% of the taxable supply for a wholesale sale or 29% of the notional wholesale selling price for other dealings.


GST is typically collected on wine sales at 10% of the WET inclusive price.


Example for a wholesale sale:

Wine Supplies = $100.00

WET (29%) = $29.00

WET inclusive price = $129.00

GST 10% = $12.90

Total Price = $141.90



WET tax codes


AccountRight and AccountEdge come with a default set of tax codes, including:

  • WET (Wine Equalisation Tax) - a Sales Tax type tax code with a rate of 29%
  • WEG (GST on Wine Equalisation Tax) - a GST type tax code, with a rate of 12.9%
  • GW (Consolidated WEG & WET)


Entering an invoice with WET amount


When entering the details on an invoice, you only need to enter the consolidated tax code GW. The code will assign values to both the WET payable and GST payable accounts. Typically the Tax Inclusive option is not selected.


Here's an example:





Clicking the tax arrow along the bottom of the sale displays the Tax Information window where you can see how the tax has been calculated across the two tax codes.


If you go to the Edit menu and choose Recap Transaction, you can see the allocation of debits and credits to the various WET related ledger accounts.
Showing WET and GST on invoices
Customise your incvoice form and ensure the following fields are included in the footer of the form:
  • Tax Code
  • Tax Rate
  • Tax Total
  • Sales Value
To learn more about customising forms, press F1 while using your MYOB software to view the help.
Here's an example invoice:
Note: The WEG code shown in our example display as 12.90% as it is calculating GST on both the original sales value and the WET amount. A text field or comment can be added onto your stationery to explain the calculation of the WEG code.
Updated 10 years ago
Version 1.0
  • SIP's avatar
    Cover User

    I am also after an answer to the question above, as the ATO require GST to be shown on the invoice and as far as I have founf MYOB can not do this. This makes MYOB very inefficient for producing such invoices, as a seperate document needs to be created and then an entry also entered in MYOB.


    Can text be entered over the WEG code so that it reads GST somehow?

  • KathyTB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi, the above method provides a workaround for wine sellers, however my winemaker client says the invoice layout will not satisfy his customers who want to clearly see the total GST, also the Landed Unit Cost (cost incl. WET but not GST) per item. He is choosing to prepare his invoices manually for now and we will re-enter them into MYOB for internal purposes.


    Can a standard invoice template be developed for wine sellers PLEASE? Or can you direct me to someone who can design one for a reasonable fee?



  • Hi KristinmD


    I would recommend adding the GST Summary table onto your invoice. This will show the break down of the tax codes involved in the transaction. For example


    AccountRight Help Article: Personalising forms will be able to assist with adding that GST Summary table to the customise form.

  • I am also trying to sort out printing MYOB invoices with WEG. The ATO states that you must clearly show the GST separately - at the moment, the MYOB invoices only allow for the total tax to show. Please can you look into this so that we do not have to create manual invoices to show the separate amounts!

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hello LorraineR


    I apologise for the delayed response to your question. The WEG shown on the invoices is the GST (both the GST charged on the item itself and the GST charged on the WET). You can explain that to your client, or add a comment or note on the invoice to that effect. If you or your customer are unsure what to report to the ATO, please contact your accountant.

  • Hi - MYOB - are you able to answer this for me yet please?  I posted 11/4/16 and have also tried calling to find out the answer to this but have not had any luck.



  • Hi - from this information above - how does the customer know which amount to claim as GST.  It only shows WET and WEG.  Is there a way to set it up clearer for the customer?