Blog Post

MYOB Announcements

A fresh look for our forum

Suja_P's avatar
Former Staff
5 years ago

Hi everyone,


Now that the EOFY / STP busy period is (mostly) behind us, we’d like to use the opportunity to introduce some changes to our Home Page.  


These changes are based on a combination of feedback from our members, and analysis conducted by our design teams and are aimed at making it easier for our members to navigate and get to the information most relevant to them.


Here’s what we’ve changed:


Product tiles:

To make it easier for you to recognise and get to boards that are most relevant to your query or area of interest, we’ve created prominent tiles of our top products like – AccountRight, Essentials, New Zealand information and others.


The Browse Community link in the Community header, can still be used for a listing of all categories.


Updates and Notifications:

To ensure that important information is not missed, we’ve moved the Updates and Notifications panel to give it more room and prominence.  


‘Start a post’ button:

To make it easier for members to start a new post, we’ve added an extra ‘Start a new post’ button in a more visible location on the Home page. The original ‘Start a post’ button at the top right side of the page will stay, and can still be accessed from any page on the forum.


Apart from the above, we’re also made some other cosmetic changes that our regular visitors will notice - like a facelift to the announcements panel under the banner and a change of location for the community stats panel.

This is only the start of some of the improvements we’re working on.


Still to come:


Search – We acknowledge that there’s plenty to be desired with the current search function. So, improving the search function is the next big item being looked at by our in-house developer.


Incidents board – A dedicated new board for posts relating to known issues and incidents, with an ability to subscribe for email notifications, based on products and service relevant to you.


Board restructure – It’s been a while since we’ve had a tidy up of our existing boards. So, we will shortly be doing just that - add, remove, merge boards, with an aim to have a lean and logical board structure.


It is very important to us that both our existing and new members gain maximum value from their time here.

So, we’d love to hear what you think. Please leave your feedback, below. Or, if you prefer you may also send me a Private Message. We welcome both positive and negative feedback.


Suja Pillai
Social Support and Community Manager
MYOB Australia Pty Ltd

Updated 5 years ago
Version 1.0


  • Hi HeatherDBS 

    Thanks for the feedback in relation to the new Community Forum homepage.


    This is part of an ongoing initiative to make the Forum easier to navigate. No product developers were assigned to completing this task, only MYOB Moderators and our internal design team.

  • HeatherDBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    The home page looks cleaner, but I'd rather see product improvements and fixes than forum updates...