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MYOB Announcements

Forum weekly update #12

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
12 years ago

Hi all,


I hope you have had a great week.


We’ve made a few more changes to the forum this week based on community feedback. Many thanks to all those who have provided suggestions since the new-look forum was unveiled. We really appreciate your feedback and welcome any further comments anytime.


The most significant change this week was the search box found on every page. You’ll find the search box on the purple navigation bar at the top right hand corner of the page. You can now quickly and easily choose whether to limit your search to that particular board or category only. When you are in one of the idea exchanges you can search for ideas only. Of course, you can also search the entire Community if you prefer, or search for a specific user. We hope the change makes it quicker and easier to find relevant posts.


Some of the other changes include a link on our navigation bar to the most recent ideas submitted and a new tab on our idea exchanges so you can quickly see what ideas have been implemented. We are also now displaying idea exchange statistics, so you can see at a glance how many ideas have been submitted, how many votes we’ve received, how many comments about ideas have made, and how many ideas from our community members have made their way into our products. Thanks to all those who have submitted ideas to our product development team. 


I also wanted to apologise for an issue that was particularly affecting community members who use our email subscriptions. Some users were finding when clicking on a link they would be asked to log in. After signing in they were taken to the home page rather than the message they wanted to view. In tightening up our security recently we inadvertently turned off the automatic redirection feature. Our apologies for the error. Now whatever page you are viewing you will be returned to that page after logging in.


We have been surveying some forum users since the redevelopment, and a few people have told us that they have trouble finding their own posts. They also want to know when someone has responded. The easiest way to quickly and easily return to messages you have posted on the forum is to click on your username. You will see a list of your recent posts. You can click View All to see more. We also recommend you automatically subscribe to any topics you participate in. This ensures you are alerted by email to any replies to questions you post. The setting is the first under the Subscriptions & Bookmarks tab in My Settings.


It was another busy week on the forum, with 270 new members and 750 posts. Our top contributors were Tazinx, JenPerram, MummaMia, Mike_James and Phil. Tazinx, JenPerram, gunnado and MummaMia also had multiple posts marked as Accepted Solutions. Thank you to all those community members who assisted others on the forum this week.


Last week I signed off with the message that online communities need more kittens and less trolls. Apparently some people think they also need more puppies. In the spirit of giving the people what they want, here’s my dog Humphrey...


Love your work,


Jason Hill

Community Manager 



Updated 12 years ago
Version 3.0
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