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MYOB Announcements

Forum weekly update #15

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
12 years ago

Hi all,


Are you trusted, valued or super?


If you know what I’m talking about, chances are you care about the label next to your username on this forum. But you might not know how you earned it.


The ranking is one way that we can reward community members for their contributions to the forum. I know some community members really value their ranking. They consider it a badge of honour that demonstrates they have been an active contributor for a long time, providing fantastic help to others.


This week I had a few community members ask me about what affects their ranking, and how they might get some stars next to their name. It was timely because I’ve been examining whether our rankings currently adequately reflect and acknowledge your contribution level.


We’ve never shared the algorithm that determines your rank because we don’t want people artificially trying to bolster their credentials. But I am happy to share that it incorporates four elements:



Looking at a selection of regular forum users, some people have never added tags to posts, but rank highly in all other areas. I do encourage you to tag posts, not just to increase your ranking to the status you deserve, but because tags help community members find content of interest. Common tags in the AccountRight category for example include invoice, inventory, report, GST and reconciliation.


I’m keen to hear about elements you believe should most affect a user’s ranking. What do you value most in other forum contributors? Do you think the rankings are too hard or too easy to achieve? Let me know by replying below, or feel free to send me a private message.


It was another busy week on the Community Forum, with over 200 new members and over 450 posts. Our top contributors were Tazinx, MummaMia, Mike_James, jenniek and boba.


MummaMia was the star of the week with seven answers marked as Accepted Solutions. Tazinx, Julia_Berkhout, Mike_James and JenPerram also had multiple posts marked as Accepted Solutions.


A huge thank you to all those community members who assisted others on the forum this week.


Love your work,


Jason Hill

Community Manager 

Updated 12 years ago
Version 6.0
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