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MYOB Announcements

Forum weekly update #46

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
12 years ago

Hi all,


We’re really excited at the moment about our next update for AccountRight – 2013.3 - which is scheduled for release later this month.


We made some important changes in our 2013.1 AccountRight update in relation to speed and performance, but the improvements in 2013.3 are our most significant yet. Results in testing have been fantastic.


We certainly understand that the current speed and performance of the software is not where many clients want it to be. It’s our highest priority to address this. Our approach is to tackle performance piece by piece until your feedback tells us we’ve got the job done.


The good news is it won’t be long to wait. Our General Manager James Scollay has publicly promised that AccountRight Live will be the fastest online accounting solution by the end of the year. We are confident you are going to soon see the significant difference our development team’s efforts are making.


As explained on the AccountRight blog this week, we’ve also recently made keeping AccountRight up-to-date much easier. Now each time you log in to your company file, AccountRight will automatically check if there’s a newer version. If there is an update available, you’ll see a window that explains what has changed. You can then update your software immediately or choose to do it later. We hope this makes business life easier for you.


This week two new  Trending Topics videos were created. Ash stars in both videos, and explains how to troubleshoot and fix your superannuation not calculating to the new mandatory rate of 9.25% in Australia, and how to adjust an employee's pay when the amount is correct but the wrong payroll category has been used. We hope you find them useful.


We were also pleased this week to address the issue that was causing some Community Forum users difficulty with functionality like adding tags and macros to posts, as well as previewing their messages before posting. We apologise for any inconvenience you might have experienced because of the technical issue in the past week. We identified and removed the culprit earlier in the week, so full functionality should now be returned. If you have any problems with forum functionality, or just need some help getting the most out of the Community Forum, please don’t hesitate to let me know.


It was starting to get a little quieter this week on the Community Forum, which suggests most Australians have survived the hectic end-of-financial-year period. Congratulations to all! In even better news, we still warmly welcomed another 230 new members to the community, while over 560 posts were made.


Our top contributors this week were Julie_A_C, Murray_McKenzie, Tazinx, jenniek and Mike_James. Murray_McKenzie, David_Cree, Julie_A_C and Tazinx also deserve a pat on the back for multiple posts which were marked as Accepted Solutions. A big thank you to all those community members who assisted others on the forum this week.


Love your work,


Jason Hill

Community Manager 

Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0


  • I think its quite confusing the SGC - stands for Superannuation Guarantee Contribution so when you have to complete the charge form its acronym should be SGCC - supernnuation Guarantee Contribution Charge


  • Thanks for the feedback Duncan, I will pass it onto the team.


    All the best,

    Jason Hill
    Community Manager

  • DuncanS's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    I watched the video on the 9.25% Super.


    A observation is that SGC stands for Superannuation Guarantee Charge which is a Charge paid to the ATO if the compulsory Super is not paid on time.


    I believe that the correct term should be SG being Superannuation Guarantee.


    Trust this helps