Forum Discussion

heartmeat's avatar
4 years ago

Unreconciled payments through accountright API

We send invoices to our clients' myob accountRight files, using the AccountRight V2 API.

Invoices are sent to the /Sale/Invoice/Item endpoint.

If the invoice has been paid on our platform, we send a full payment against the invoice using the /Sale/CustomerPayment endpoint.

Everything is working well, except one client wants to reconcile the payments herself.|

Is there a sense in which I can send an "unreconciled" payment to this endpoint - and how would I go about it?

(No mention in the documentation, but my accounting knowledge is patchy at best)


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  • Neil_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi heartmeat 


    From an API perspective, sending a customer payment to a company file only applies the payment to the invoice and closes it. There’s nothing in how the payment comes through the API, that influences whether the payment is marked as “reconciled” in the bank account or not.


    I’m wondering if this particular client of yours has signed up for Bank Feeds? This is a reconciliation tool which can mark transactions as ready to be reconciled, but its completely separate to the API functionality.