Forum Discussion

ThaoL's avatar
3 months ago

Brought Stock more than Sold Stock, why does MYOB say I have no stock ?



I brought 500 units of an item and for the 3 months I only sold 50 units, I should have 450 units available in MYOB, but it says I have no stock in the system?


How is this possible?


Please help


  • Hi ThaoL,


    Welcome to the Community Forum!


    There might be a few reasons why your stock levels are showing up incorrectly. If the items aren't displaying right in the Item Register window, it could be due to inventory adjustments where the same item is used on multiple lines, which might need a closer look. 


    If you’ve received any error messages with your items, we can usually fix that by running a script on the backend, which can be done by our support team. You can reach out to them by creating a support ticket via or check out the various support options available here.


