Forum Discussion

Megan3189's avatar
5 days ago

Consignment Stock Inventory


we receive stock on consignment from one of our suppliers.  I have set up the stock as follows

Buy - Cost of Sales (Supplier)

Sell - Sales 

Inventory - Consignment Stock (Supplier)


we prepare an order for the stock and receive the stock when it arrives.  how do i then bill the stock that we have sold.  i keep getting an error when i try to bill the sold items.  we don't receive all items in the PO at once,  as this is an overseas supplier,  some is air freight and some arrives on a ship?

  • Hi Megan3189

    The error you are encountering is caused by having 3 decimal places in the line item, which results in the transaction being unbalanced. This issue may require further assistance on the backend. You can contact our support team for more help. The best ways to contact our support team are through live chat (via our virtual assistant MOCA) or by raising a support ticket through


  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Megan3189

    You're on the right track with consignment stock setup! To bill sold items, make sure you're updating your consignment stock as it arrives (whether air or sea). When you sell the items, create the supplier invoice and convert the purchase order to a bill only for the stock sold. This ensures you're only billing for what has been sold and received. You can refer to MYOB’s consignment stock guides for more details:

    I hope this helps!


    • Hi Earl,

      when the stock arrived i clicked on receive items and entered the qty of stock received,  We have now sold some of the stock and when i open the purchase order to enter the qty to bill, i put the remainder on Back-Order.  when i click on record, i get an error message saying an unbalanced transaction may not be recorded.  how do i fix this so i can record the invoice?  Not all quantities of the inventory on the purchase order have been received.  (ie: we order 40 of 1 product and only receive 12 in that an example.)

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Megan3189

    The error you are encountering is caused by having 3 decimal places in the line item, which results in the transaction being unbalanced. This issue may require further assistance on the backend. You can contact our support team for more help. The best ways to contact our support team are through live chat (via our virtual assistant MOCA) or by raising a support ticket through
