Forum Discussion

VB_17M's avatar
2 months ago

Sales GP By Customer Report

I am looking to have a report which shows GP $ by Customer. this report will allow us to see what GP our sales reps are working at and then pay a monthly bonus.  Currently the only way for us to do this is by running multiple reports and merging in Excel which is extremely time consuming and fort with manual errors.


Does anyone else have this issue? I'm quite surprised an accounting software doesn't have this as one of their standard basic reports. - Please prove me wrong and i just cant see the report.

Using - AccountRight version.

Thanks in advance.!!! 

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi there VB_17M,


    It looks like you're looking for a report that shows Gross Profit (GP) by Customer in AccountRight to help determine monthly bonuses for your sales reps. Unfortunately, AccountRight does not have a built-in report that directly provides GP by Customer. However, you can achieve this by combining data from multiple reports.

    Here’s a step-by-step approach to get the information you need:

    1. Run the Sales [Customer Detail] report: This report will give you the sales figures for each customer.
    2. Run the Item Sales [Item Detail] report: This report will provide the cost of goods sold (COGS) for each item sold.
    3. Export both reports to Excel: You can then merge these reports in Excel to calculate the GP for each customer. GP can be calculated as Sales minus COGS.

    To streamline this process and reduce manual errors, you might consider using Excel formulas or creating a macro to automate the merging and calculation steps. And as we value your feedback, I encourage you to please take a moment to post on the AccountRight Ideas Exchange board for consideration.


    Best regards,
