Forum Discussion

JoanEllen's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

MYOB has lost all transactions from 20 April - why does this keep happening?

Would someone PLEASE help with this ongoing problem. I backed up MYOB yesterday so I have a copy of yesterday's datafile which hopefully has yesterday's transactions intact. But I'm unable to upload this to you.


I opened our MYOB datafile this morning and reconciliations only go back to 20 April. I reconcile daily.


I tried 2 different ways of opening the datafile - the usual way through RECENTLY OPENED COMPANY FILES in the MYOB window, and also through OPEN A COMPANY FILE, and clicking on our datafile in MY Library.


Both attempts bring up the same datafile, which has only recorded to 20 April.


I can't keep re-entering transactions each time this happens. 


Would MYOB please investigate this properly. I tried attaching yesterday's backup here but got a message the file was too large.


I've attached yesterday's logfile, which contains terms like "Failed to grab lockfile" and "thread was being aborted". This was in an ARCHIVES folder for some reason.


I've also attached a screenshot of the MYOB appdata window as there seems to be nothing there from the last year.


PLEASE help with this as it takes up so much time having to re-enter everything.

  • Hi JoanEllen 


    I am not clear on your situation, or what has caused the problems you are experiencing - however a company file cannot simply lose data. As soon as you click the OK button on an invoice, that updates the database. The only way to remove this invoice is to delete it. The most common cause of 'lost transactions' is using the wrong file, such as a copy. This is usually caused by lack of understanding of where a file is stored, and some of MYOB's features contribute to the confusion. Note that MYOB cannot access your offline file, nor can they replace it. They can access an replace your online file, however this is usually only done at your request.


    Not sure what you mean by 'But I'm unable to upload this to you.' Are you accessing an online file or a local file?


    A few suggestions to avoid using the wrong file:

    • only ever have and use ONE file with the same filename. This file can be offline (in your Library) or Online.  If you ever restore a backup or make a copy, clearly rename the file to avoid mixing it up with your ONE file.
    • If you upload your ONE file online (or restore it online) - always rename or move the local copy that remains - this can prevent accidental use. From this point on only ever use the Online file.
    • Never use the Recently opened company file list (this causes too many problems for some users as they cannot tell if the file is online or offline etc) - always use Open and select My Library or Online on the left side. If using My Library - you can clearly see the file name in your Library to ensure you open the correct file.  If using Online - you can see the company name.
    • If the file is accessed by other users, ensure they know the rules or procedures you adopt as well. For example if you enter something to the online file and another user later restores a backup online, this will replace the online file and what you entered will be lost.

    If you reconcile in the online file - the offline file we not be affected. Each file is distinct and will only have what was entered into that file.


    Hope this helps



    • JoanEllen's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hello Gavin, thanks for replying.


      Our MYOB is the desktop version, not online. No-one else accesses the datafile, only me.


      I DO only have one backup of our datafile, except the times that MYOB creates a duplicate copy in MyLibrary after every upgrade. And because of this recurring problem, I DO always choose from MyLibrary, never recently opened files.



      But in the recent case, I don't believe there was an upgrade. This has happened about 4 times now, and each time it seems I'm somehow retrieving an earlier version of the datafile, from the previous day, but how on earth would I do that? When I backup, I backup to desktop. But this is only a backup (zip file) which I save to desktop. The original myox datafile still stays where it ought to, in MyLibrary - is that correct? I've attached a screenshot of the AccountRight folder. There's only 2 datafiles there - the main one & our second company. And that's the way it usually looks.


      I've also attached the logfile from 25 April and there seemed to be a whole lot of errors: error occurred trying to emit reconciliation event for company file. Container is not setup for the company file. failed to grab lockfile, the process cannot access the file, thread was being aborted, database already opened by a different user.


      Are these usual things you'd find in a log file? I had no other problems at all with any other software on the computer. It's only MYOB that freezes - usually if I type too quickly. Then I have to go into task manager and end Huxley process, then login again. That's a daily occurrence.


      Gavin, please try to help me & hopefully forward the logfile to your IT Dept.  This is causing me a lot of lost time and distress.

      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi JoanEllen 


        Sorry I am not a MYOB employee, just a forum user like yourself - trying to help.


        I note from your screenshot you seem to be using the Server Edition (see Help > About AccountRight to confirm).


        Using the server edition seems to have its own issues. If you are the only user, consider using the normal desktop version. 

        The main difference between the 2 is the normal desktop version uses your Documents/MYOB/My AccountRight Files folder for your Library, the Server edition uses the Public Documents/MYOB/My AccountRight Files folder for your Library folder as it is a shared location. The Server Edition also allows you to change the location of your Library.


        If you have modified the default library location using the Server Edition, I have heard of a problem during a version update where MYOB would switch you back to the default library location. Because the user left a copy of their file in that original location and did not rename it, after the upgrade the user opened the file from the original default location, not realising he was opening up an old copy of the file. Transacitons were missing, reconciliaitons were not up to date etc. Not sure if this is what is happening in your case.


        In your other posts, you also wrote:


        I found out today that after our datafile had upgraded, MYOB creates a duplicate copy of the old datafile in the same area in MyLibrary


        What is meant to happen is MYOB makes a copy of your file before upgrade. If your file is called MyCompanyFile.myox, MYOB always renames this as MyCompanyFile (Old v2023.1).myox and the upgraded file is called MyCompanyFile.myox.  This is a precaution in case the upgrade corrupts your file - you do not and should not open that precautionary copy.


        MYOB cannot produce a file from the previous day, not unless you have this saved somewhere.


        Just a suggestion, do a search on your computer for every file called Just Cleaning (Queensland) Pty. Ltd. ATF.myox - if there are more than one - rename those extra copies to avoid using them. Do same with other file. You should only ever have one file with that filename.


        Also review your procedure and ensure you understand backup and restore. I once had a client who did not understand how MYOB worked. At the end of each day he would create a backup. First thing the next day he would restore that backup and use it, thinking this is what he had to do.  Restoring backups should only be done for specific purposes and these should always be identified by that purpose in their filename.


