Forum Discussion

Wendy2018's avatar
Trusted User
2 months ago

Profit & Loss Report


I posted this request on another page but have not had any luck with getting a reply so thought I'd try here as it may be more relevant.


I need help please. For some reason I can't run a profit and loss report for July 2024. It keeps telling to enter a valid date.

I've been using this report for 6 plus years and not had this problem before.

So it's Accounts, then reports, Profit and Loss Statement, then on the right hand side I enter 1/7/2024 to 31/7/2024 but I get an invalid date message.

I would like to point out that I can export it to Excel! for the same period.


Could MYOB please advise why this is happening and a fix please.

Thank you

  • jenni's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Wendy,


    I am not from MYOB, but wonder if the issue might be the Financial Year.  Is the Financial year entered as: Next Year (FY 2025) from the drop down list? (That's if you haven't rolled over yet).

    If that's not it, I also find if I log out and close down, then restart the program it fixes some of these types of issues.


    Good luck,


    • Wendy2018's avatar
      Trusted User

      Thanks for your reply Jenni, much appreciated. But no, the financial year isn't the problem. I can run all other reports for the same period.


      It's pretty sad when I can't get a reply from MYOB.