Forum Discussion

MelissaJ-Perth's avatar
2 months ago

Reporting - by job by supplier and by custom list

I need to analyze our spending both total for organization and by job (relating to specific funding providers), to be able to identify spending to suppliers who are with indigenous controlled entities, to report funding procurement targets and internal RAP strategy progress..


I have set up Custom list INDIGENOUS to mark in the suppliers card file if they are an indigenous controlled organisation and I can then run a Purchases>Anayse suppliers report and filter by custom list to produce a report for total supplies, then indigenous supplies, resulting in my spending %.


However, I cannot get this report to filter by job and I can't see another report option for Jobs that filter by custom list.


Is there an alternative solution recommended.


We can't be the only organisation that needs to report these figures, both for internal RAP and external funding. 




2 Replies

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi MelissaJ-Perth ,

    Thanks for your post. You can export the reports to Excel and use Excel's features to filter and analyze the data. This approach might be more manual, but it can provide the detailed breakdown you need. More detailed information can be found on this help page:  Jobs reports

    Feel free to post again, we're happy to help!


    • Thanks Earl, was hoping for a more automated solution but might have to run some excel functions to achieve what we need :-(