Forum Discussion

skihappy's avatar
Experienced Partner
2 years ago

2022.11 API error (501) not implemented

Latest MYOB update has caused an error 501


MYOB server edition

MYOB data file on local server

MYOB data file upgraded to 2022.11


error (501) not implemented error

when trying to get data from MYOB file


3rd party App using SDK API kit 2022.11.456

2 Replies

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  • Hi Skihappy,

    Here are some notes that I wrote previously on this error. They may or may not help as neither reason seems to match your setup

    Error: The remote server returned an error: (501) Not Implemented.


    Possible reason 1:

    The AccountRight company file that was selected has not been upgraded in AccountRight yet.


    Possible Solution:

    Open the file in AccountRight and if it is an old version AccountRight  will upgrade it. Then try again.


    Possible reason 2

    If using the PC version of AR, AccountRight and the company file has been upgraded but the ‘Add on connector’ hasn’t (version mismatch).


    Possible Solution:

    Install the appropriate version of the ‘Add on connector’.


    • skihappy's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      the  company file has been upgraded to 2022.11

      verified on browser list as 2022.11


      The Version of Accountright used is server edition



      API service has been checked to be latest version

      C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\AccountRightServerEdition\app-2022.1100.247649\API\MYOB.AccountRight.API.WindowsServiceHost.exe


      Server shut down and restarted

      Message from chrome browser


      [Message, The version of AccountRight required to service this request is not installed. Please inform your Administrator to install all required versions.][Message, The version of AccountRight required to service this request is not installed. Please inform your Administrator to install all required versions.]