Forum Discussion

CallumHyland's avatar
MYOB Staff
2 years ago

Enterprise Industry: Solution Consulting - December 2022 Update

Hi All,


Our last update for the year!


The Construction snapshot rebuild continues. We’re still in the planning stage, testing the viability of having both Projects and Construction active in the same Tenant with as little configuration manipulation as possible. At this stage it’s looking positive and will set us up for 2023 demo database developments. We’ll continue to provide updates on progress.


As previously posted, Consensus Phase 6 videos are now available to for partners who have signed up.


Please see this link for further details.


If you are interested in Consensus, please send an email to your CSM or direct to 

We’ve started working on some new Partner Resources, which include a Master Qualification Guide, Updated Workforce Management Qualification Guide and Industry Enablement Videos. These will be released on Frontify in Q1.


That’s all for this month from the Enterprise Industries Solution Consulting team. As always, any feedback or requests, please email


We hope everyone enjoys the holiday period and looking forward to continuing to work with you all in 2023.


Veenu & Callum

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