Forum Discussion

Will_H's avatar
MYOB Moderator
3 years ago

Applying for Bankfeeds in Advanced Business - Support recommended process

Hi everyone,


I've given this template out to a number of people, there are currently 2 main classes of issues facing people applying for bankfeeds in MYOB Advanced.


1. Accounts not fully configured/Users not Bank Feed Owners.

Symptoms: Error 10013

Cause: The Authorise Bank Feed Owner button generates an email which is then queued to be sent inside of Advanced Business.  If Email sending is not configured already (Often the case before go-live) the email will not be sent to Accounts team, and the account will not be configured.

Solution:  Send the following template to the Operations team directly when a client wants to start using bankfeeds.

Feel free to CC me on your message to the Operations team, so I can confirm they’ve finished the process for you.

Email to:

Subject: Please add Bank Feeds Admin User to ADVANCED Client

Hi Admin team,

Our client:         <ClientID from Archie if available>
Contract ID:       <Contract from Phoenix>
Customer ID:     <CustomerID from Phoenix>

Has MYOB Advanced Business with domain name:  <Advanced Domain Name here>

And is looking to apply for Bankfeeds.

Please add the following email address(es) as (a) Bank Feeds Admin(s):

Client Contact Name:      <Name of User to be added>
Client Role with Company:   <Role of User>
Client Email Address for 2FA/My.Dot login:   <Email Address associated with Advanced User>


And send us back the list of all currently authorized Bank Feed Admin for the account once this has been actioned.


 If this has already been requested using the “Authorize Admin” button in MYOB Advanced, please indicate the date and time, and which user was requested, so we can follow up with our systems.

Please note:
This has already been requested via the in-product buttons at the following time(s):


2. Long waits with applications at the "Awaiting Application" stage.

Awaiting Application is the stage for paper applications after creation, before they have been received by MYOB.

If an application has been at "Awaiting Application" for more than 2 business days, this can indicate the form was not received by MYOB.

In these cases please

SUBMIT A CASE - so Support can check the status for you.

AND RESUBMIT the applications that are still at "Awaiting Application" to

When resubmitting please:

  1. Submit 1 (one) form each time only. (We currently believe this may improve performance)
  2. Note the email address being submitted as
  3. Note the time the submission went through.

After they have been uploaded, please confirm :
  1) The Exact email address used at the Portal screen.
  2) The Time the applications were submitted.

Please note:

if the screen gives an error during upload, you need to submit that application again, as it indicates our server has not correctly received the PDF. (Usually an Internet interruption)

Please submit forms one at a time. We're investigating an issue, but our current speculation is that attaching multiple forms at a time makes the process more likely to fail.

If you can confirm the time of the ORIGINAL uploads the support team can see if the feed team can find them, but in general if they weren't processed at the time we don't have them.


When querying support about application status:
Support will want to know the FeedID (if an application is not at the OPEN stage)

And the Bank Account Number (Or last 4 digits if a credit card) 

So that they can follow up on exact application details with the feed team.


Edit note: This post was edited on 5 August to emphasis uploading forms 1 at a time, based on feedback from the bankfeeds team.

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