Forum Discussion

NickSavageMady2's avatar
Experienced Partner
4 years ago

Using an Export to Update a field with existing description from another field



I’m trying to figure out how to update a field using another field. In the Integration manual there is an example, using a fixed piece of text to do this, but I need to be more dynamic. 


My example is taking the Transaction Description in Import Bank Transactions and updating that into Ext. Ref. Nbr. 


Below is what I have so far, but it won’t do anything, so I know I’ve got the syntax incorrect. Has anyone done this in the past?



  • NickSavageMady2's avatar
    4 years ago

    I have figured it out, so I had to post this for syntax purposes and for future head-banging.


    The trick to this screen, as mentioned before, is the ID (CABankTrans.TransID) field. This is the Primary for the table, but a few rules on how to use it for updates.


    • It is has to be included as the first field for Details
    • Untick Commit

    I found this whilst re-reading Troubleshooting Performance in Import and Export Scenarios in the help. There is a section about what commit is used for and how to speed up scenarios. In short because it is a field that can't be updated, it doesn't need to be committed, only used for a look-up when updating. By default it is ticked, so I trusted the system on that front. Once unticked, hey presto!!


    Glad I stayed committed to the finding the answer :smileywink:

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  • Hi

    So u create a generic inquiry of imported bank transactions that have a blank ext reference first.

    Then add a data provider that links to this inquiry.

    Then do import scenario based on that data provider that updates the ext reference with the description.

    U can set that import scenario to run every hour.


    I am not sure why u created an export scenario to update your field so unless I understood u incorrectly, but hopefully this helps u  


    • NickSavageMady2's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      Hi Leanne,


      I went down the GI / Import Scenario first, but couldn't remember how to push it through to the scenario. I think I did it 6 years ago 😂


      Re: Export Scenario. There is an option to use them as update and delete option, without GIs. You use =Every to bring in the records and then use Target to update the source. It is an example in Acumatica I100 funnily enough. Again, I couldn't remember how using my example.


      I'll let you know how I get on.




      Nick Savage-Mady

      • NickSavageMady2's avatar
        Experienced Partner



        I have built an Import Scenario that should update the Ext. Ref. Nbr. per line in the Import Bank Transactions. I have a Generic Inquiry feeding the Import Scenario, but it will only update the first line in the list of 10. It updates using the last Trans Desc, so it is working it’s way through the list correctly, however it appears to be ignoring (ID) Tran ID. Could anyone suggest how to populate each line correctly?


        Below is the screenshot of the Data Import Scenario.