Forum Discussion

Jsch's avatar
Experienced User
10 days ago

Jury Duty Payment

Hi Team,

It is our first time having an employee go on jury duty. I understood that there are two ways of doing this.

1. Pay employees full pay while they are on jury duty, then deduct this value from the employee's pay when he receives payment from the court.

2. Set up a new wage category for the employee while they are on jury duty to pay their regular pay minus the court allowance.

If we decide to go with option 1, does that mean we don't need to set up any pay line items or pay line liabilities?

We are using MYOB Advanced.

As an example: 

Monthly Gross income $1,000. 

Jury duty payment received $100.

When we process the next payroll I only need to change the gross income to $900 and the tax withheld will be based on $900.

It won't show anything on the payslip for his jury duty payment?

The super will only be calculated from the $900 as we don't need to pay super on jury duty.


I would appreciate it if someone could help confirm if my understanding is correct. Thank you for your assistance.



1 Reply

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi JacH


    I understand the need to make sure that we are correctly recording the payments for the employee for the Jury Duty. Yes, you must create a category to apply the deductions. I recommend reading through the article 'Jury Duty' for more information regarding the process. 


    In the meantime, don't hesitate to create a new thread if you need any other help.

