Forum Discussion

David-LMCA's avatar
Experienced User
5 years ago

Hotfix 45909035 - WARNING for Terminal Services Users

Just a heads up.

If you are running a Terminal Services environment (RDS/Citrix etc), once you have installed the hotfix you must manually install the update on the Terminal Server(s).

This will require all users on that server to log out of AE before you can proceed.

Once the hotfix is installed on your SQL server users are unable to login to AE on the terminal server until it has been updated.

The installation guide explicitly advises that you can apply the hotfix with users in the system.




12 Replies

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  • Yep, I'm expecting to hear complaints very soon from users.


    MYOB should send out a new email before more customers fall for this.

  • Thanks for the heads up! You are quite right, the best practice is to always exit MYOB applications before an update. Our install guide is now updated. 

    • Laura-Kate's avatar

      I was advised by a MYOB employee on Friday afternoon if you are using AE to disregard this hotfix as there was an error?


      • David-LMCA's avatar
        Experienced User

        If that's the case I hope they release a hotfix for the hotfix soon.


        We already have it installed on our systems.


        The original release announcement (5/2/2020) advised "We recommend that all clients install this hotfix as soon as possible ..."