Forum Discussion

H-TS's avatar
Trusted User
3 years ago

Too many payments - need to deselect ??? Is this a new change? Why?

I sometimes go into the prepare electronic payment screen then remember I need to do something else, so I have to close the annoying little "check the BSB" popup that floats over the close button. One wasted mouse click. But now, since the latest update, or at least since last time I tried it, if I click on the "close" button, I get an error and have to click on OK. A SECOND wasted mouse click. Then I have to click on an item or the "all" box to deselect something. A THIRD wasted mouse click before clicking on Close again. So, it now takes 4 mouse clicks when before I only needed two, but in reality, should only need 1.


PLEASE fix this. I'm deliberately NOT submitting this as a product idea because that's not what this is. Surely if I go to upload the file to the bank I'm going to realise I never created it. If it really must be there, why not have it labelled as an "are you sure" instead? Why should I need to deselect entries to close that screen?


And also fix the floating popup that stays floating over every other open program even if MYOB window is inactive because I'm doing something else.


3 Replies

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  • Hi H-TS 

    The Too Many Payments message is something that we are aware of occurring in the earlier versions of the software. We did work on a particular fix for this situation in the AccountRight 2017.1 version and remedied certain circumstances of it occurring.


    With AccountRight 2017.2 and later the message will generally occur when you select a transaction, close the window without generating the ABA file the message will still occur for those ticked transactions.  If you are wishing to generate an ABA file, tick the transactions in the Prepare Electronic Payments window and then generate the ABA file. If you are not wishing to generate the ABA file at this time don't tick those transactions this has been known to prevent that message from being generated.


    I'll just also add that I'm not familiar with that particular message being more apparent in the AccountRight 2022.1 release for users. I haven't come across this particular message for a good year on my Forum travels. I appreciate that it is occurring for yourself and does impact you but it's not something that has been widely reported in recent times.

    • H-TS's avatar
      Trusted User

      Thanks for the quick reply Steven_M . I wish all my questions were answered this quickly. 



      Steven_M wrote:

      With AccountRight 2017.2 and later the message will generally occur when you select a transaction, close the window without generating the ABA file the message will still occur for those ticked transactions.  If you are wishing to generate an ABA file, tick the transactions in the Prepare Electronic Payments window and then generate the ABA file. If you are not wishing to generate the ABA file at this time don't tick those transactions this has been known to prevent that message from being generated.


      So this is still a known issue in anything after 2017.2 and I've just been fortunate enough to never have seen it? I always go into that window with the intention of creating an ABA file so I select the payments. I never go in there unless I plan to create a file. I'm pretty sure I would have selected items and then gone straight to close before but I know I have never seen that message before. 


      Guess I just have to hope that I don't end up doing this often or I'll be tearing my hair out. Any thoughts on the MYOB pop ups that stay floating over every other program too? At some point in the past years I submitted a separate post or idea on it but no resolution yet. 


      Thanks again.

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi H-TS 


        In terms of the Information message that does appear when you open the Prepare Electronic Payment window, this will appear upon opening and would need to be closed (cross in the corner) to hide. Currently, to my knowledge, there are no immediate plans to automatically remove that pop-up from appearing, however, we have shared on your feedback (and others from the Community) that users would like to see that removed or not appear as it does.