Forum Discussion

DKBocelli's avatar
Experienced User
9 months ago

End of Year Chage


I am trying to roll the end of year from June 2023 into 2024, but get the following error and cannot change the year


Unable to save financial year information. Opening balance date can't be after any transactions.



Is this because I have some transactions on the 1st July 23?




3 Replies

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  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi DKBocelli


    Thanks for posting in the forum. 


    I'm sorry to hear about your trouble trying to roll the financial year. Generally, having transactions in the new financial year 1st of July 2023 will not affect closing a financial year.  May I know what are the steps we follow to close the financial year? Also, may I collect screenshot of the error message. 

    We look forward to your response. 



    • DKBocelli's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hello Genreve


      Thankyou, I went to redo and print the error message and it all seemed to work OK, so no problem now.


      All Good...





      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi DKBocelli


        We appreciate your time updating us in the forum. I'm glad that the issue is fixed now. 


        Don't hesitate to post again in the forum if you have any other concerns.  


