Forum Discussion

TriciaTassell's avatar
5 months ago

Unable to access other income and other expenses in MYOB Business Lite


I read on another post that we have to private message to get Other Income and Other Expenses activited in MYOB business lite account.

Would a moderator please contact me so that I can get this happening.

with thanks,


3 Replies

  • Hi TriciaTassell,


    Thank you for your post.


    I've reached out to you via a private message to offer assistance with resolving the issue you encountered regarding the other income and expenses account. Kindly check your Community forum inbox, and please feel free to respond to that message. We're here to ensure that we've addressed your concern thoroughly.




    • TriciaTassell's avatar

      Hello Princess and thank you for getting in touch.

      My issue has been resolved.  You were able to fix this for me in response to another email I'd previously sent.

      I appreciate your follow up and efficiency.

      Keep up the great work.

      With thanks,


      • Princess_R's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi TriciaTassell,


        Thank you for letting me know. I'll now close this post as resolved. Please feel free to start a new post again if you need help in the future. We're always here to help.


