Forum Discussion

SIS-KB's avatar
2 years ago

Customer underpayments

We have a couple of invoices that have been underpaid by a few cents.

id like to clear them off my outstanding invoices but as they were sent through from Tradify I'm Unable to edit them.

any suggestions?

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  • Hi SIS-KB 


    Commonly, in this situation, you do have three options:


    • Option 1 - edit the invoice to update the amount (or add another line) to match the payment amount and therefore it would close the invoice. I understand that you are not able to achieve that but it is worth mentioning for others as this is the easiest option.

    • Option - create a credit note (negative invoice) for the customer for the number of cents. Once that has been created apply that credit note to the invoice thus clearing the amount outstanding.
    • Option 3 -  create a new bank account in the accounts lists. Once that account has been created, generate a new payment transaction for that customer for that amount with the bank account being that newly set up account. This would close the invoice and put the amount into that holding account, you can then look at recording a journal entry to transfer that balance from the holding account to another account if required - best speak to your accountant in regards to that.