Forum Discussion

suretek's avatar
Contributing User
6 years ago

EXO Difference between stock item statuses??

We are wondering when and why you would ever use the stock item status of "lookup item". We believe that some of our stock items are assigned as lockup items when they shouldnt be, but want to make s...
  • Steve_Marriott's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi suretek  & CarlBrooks 


    Lookup items in Exo are a very useful device as it allows you to Buy and Sell things that are not physically stocked, an Hour Labour being a good example, your other one of Freight is very popular.


    If you look back in Exo history far enough you will find that to put something on an Order it had to be a Stock Item and so they had items that were stocked and others that were just "lookups". Having a stock item means that GL Codes can be changed quickly and easily and in 1 place when you make GL Chart changes, another advantage.


    A Stock Item also has 1 place to hold prices and allow Exo to Best Price processing for the item and client (an hour of consulting sold to me would be $190 while to Carl it could be $150, all automatically calculated by Best Price).


    Hope that adds a bit of historical knowledge to your understanding of Exo, it still wont fix badly assigned items.



