Stock location
- 2 years ago
Hi Qiu
Stock Location capabilities are only available in AccountRight Premier and no other product. If you are using web only i.e. MYOB Business then you are out of luck at this point in time. It is my understanding that it is on the roadmap for Business going forward but could be many months away, potentially years.
If you use the desktop product AccountRight then you can upgrade to Premier from AccountRight Standard or Plus.
Having had a lot of experience with Stock Locations in Premier it is fully featured and allows Item sales and purchases by location and stock transfers between locations. In addition, the reporting is location enabled to provide stock reports by location.
Trials in your live version are unwise because of the way stock locations are treated. If you add additional locations and then downgrade you may loose access to the stock at the other locations.
MYOB use to supply demo data files for the AccountRight Products in the various version i.e. Standard, Plus and Premier, however they have ceased doing this. You may still have the demo files if you installed the software years ago and upgraded from there. If they are there they will be in the local library.