Forum Discussion

koshyckoshy's avatar
2 months ago

"non-income" items classified as "income" on GST Reports?

Hi there


A director borrowed an amount from the company.


DR: Receivable (Director to repay): $1400   

    CR:                                    Cash at bank $1400         


The money was repaid: using the "receive money" feature on MYOB.


DR: Cash at bank: $1400

     CR: Receivable (Director has repaid): $1400   


  • However, on the GST reports, I still see an entry of the repayment of the director loan under "sales and income" under the N-T category.
  • To me, this is not "income" but it is still reported as income under GST reports.




The question:

  1. Is this correct? i.e. should money repaid be classified as income on GST reports?


Any pointers would be much appreciated.






  • Hi,

    The N-T code is for transactions entered but not reported on your BAS.

    The GST report shows all transactions by all GST codes including N-T.

    This allows you to check all transactions that are coded to the N-T tax code are correctly allocated that way prior to lodging your BAS with the tax office.

    Hope this makes sense now.

    You can re-run your GST reports after you check all transactions and exclude the N-T code from the report using customise report options if it does bother you. 

  • Hi,

    The N-T code is for transactions entered but not reported on your BAS.

    The GST report shows all transactions by all GST codes including N-T.

    This allows you to check all transactions that are coded to the N-T tax code are correctly allocated that way prior to lodging your BAS with the tax office.

    Hope this makes sense now.

    You can re-run your GST reports after you check all transactions and exclude the N-T code from the report using customise report options if it does bother you. 

    • koshyckoshy's avatar

      Thank you Julia


      Your answer has lead to a follow-up question: 


      • what is the difference between FRE vs N-T?



      • Julia_Berkhout's avatar
        Super Cover User


        GST fFRE items are included on BAS .

        Rare but some income is GST free.

        N=T are any other transactions to not be included on BAS.

        Hope this clarifies