Forum Discussion

IOG's avatar
Cover User
6 years ago

Client and Advisor Logo



I am trying to create a monthly report for our client. Trying to add both our and the clients logo to the report. But it doesnt seem to fit on the report. The PDF only show a part of the logo. I have tried re-sizing it, it there anything else I can do?




  • Haydes's avatar
    MYOB Product Team

    Hi IOG 


    I've been testing this and I couldn't quite replicate this, would you be able to tell us what the Image Dimensions are?


    Such as: 425 x 425


    If you are unsure, you can find out by right-clicking the image in Windows Explorer, clicking Properties and choosing the Details tab



    This way we can test an image with the same size parameters.

    • IOG's avatar
      Cover User

      Thanks for replying Hayden.


      The dimension are:


      Client logo 1413 x 387

      Our logo 2480 x 413


      Im guessing thats high??? How do I reduce the size?


      Thank you!!


      • Em_P's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi IOG 


        Thank you for your response.


        I have just tested myself trying to upload a file of those sizes and they have uploaded for myself.

        I'm wondering what the size of your file is?


        I have uploaded a screenshot of my own to show which tab in the Properties of the file you need to check.

        You can see this by right clicking on the file and choosing Properties.