Forum Discussion

ETF's avatar
Experienced User
7 years ago

NZ Payroll EOM Feb19 PAYE reports do not all download

said on screen but .EDF did not , how do I get this report so I can file to IRD,Thank you
  • Steven_M's avatar
    7 years ago

    Hi ETF 


    When generating the IRD reports from NZ Payroll via Reports>>>IRD Reports>>Create IRD report two reports would be generated; the Employer Monthly Schedule (IR348) and the IRD Remittance Advice (IR345).  


    If you have set up IR filing, Tools>>Options>>Bank & IRD, you will have the option to generate a series of files that can be uploaded to the IRD. When generating those reports you would select the Create CSV files for electronically filing monthly returns to the IRD & Create Direct Credit file for electronically paying the PAYE to the IRD.  By enabling both those options a zip file would be created that contains both an EMS and EDF file (possible a KED file as well).


    If the EDF file is not created during that process I would make sure that you have correctly setup the IR filing in Tools i.e. added a bank account and set an IR-file path. If that is set correctly I would ensure that you have enabled those create files options when creating the file. Also if you do file half-monthly that you have selected the appropriate option/period for the pay period when creating the IRD Remittance advice - note: the first half of the month will not be generated when lodging half-monthly.